What is a Palate Expander? And Why Your Child Might Need One

While braces may be the most common orthodontic treatment, there are other appliances that treat different cases, and one of them is palate expanders. So, what is a palate expander, and why might your child need one?

What is a Palate Expander?

A palate expander is an orthodontic appliance used to widen the upper jaw. It does this by putting gentle pressure on the molars, which gradually pushes them apart. This extra space created can be very helpful for a number of reasons. Below are its benefits:

  • It can make room for crowded teeth – If your child’s teeth are too close together, a palate expander can create the extra space needed to allow them to erupt properly.
  • It can correct an improper bite – An improper bite (also called malocclusion) is when the upper and lower jaws don’t line up correctly. This can happen if the upper jaw is too narrow, or the lower jaw is too wide. A palate expander can help to correct this by widening the upper jaw.
  • It can prevent future crowding – By widening the arch of the upper jaw, a palate expander makes it less likely that your child’s teeth will become crowded in the future.

Signs Your Child Might Need a Palate Expander

#1 – Crowded Teeth

If your child’s teeth are starting to become crowded, it may be a sign that they need a palate expander. This is especially true if the crowding is severe or if their teeth are beginning to overlap.

#2 – An Improper Bite

An improper bite can cause a number of problems, such as pain when chewing, difficulty biting or tearing food, and even jaw pain. If you notice any of these issues, it’s worth mentioning to your child’s orthodontist. They may recommend a palate expander to help correct the problem.

While an improper bite is often the result of genetics, it can also be caused by habits like thumb-sucking or pacifier use. If your child has any of these habits, they may be more likely to need a palate expander.

#3 – A Narrow Upper Jaw

If your child has a narrow upper jaw, they may benefit from a palate expander. This is because the appliance can help to widen the jaw and make more room for the teeth.

Various issues may correct if a narrow upper jaw isn’t treated, such as an improper bite, crowding, and difficulty chewing or biting food.

#5 – Frequent Biting of the Cheek or Roof of the Mouth

Do you notice your child frequently biting the inside of their cheek or the roof of their mouth? This may be a sign that their teeth don’t fit together correctly. In some cases, it may be due to an improper bite or a narrow upper jaw. A palate expander can help to correct both of these issues.

#6 – Difficulty Chewing or Speaking Properly

If your child is having difficulty chewing or speaking properly, it may be due to an underlying orthodontic issue. In some cases, a palate expander can help to correct these problems by creating more space in the mouth.

Facts About Palate Expanders

  • They can be used in conjunction with braces.
  • They are usually made of metal or plastic.
  • The treatment time is typically about six months.
  • After the appliance is removed, a retainer will be needed to maintain the new width of the upper jaw.

Ask An Orthodontist

What is a Palate Expander?

If you’re not sure whether or not your child needs a palate expander, the best thing to do is to ask their orthodontist. They will be able to examine your child’s mouth and teeth and determine what the best course of treatment is.

Dr. Seth Marguiles of Amboy Orthodontics in New Jersey is a certified orthodontic specialist who has vast experience in correcting various orthodontic issues, including those that may require a palate expander. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s orthodontic health, our team would be more than happy to help.

Aside from this, we also offer all other kinds of orthodontic treatments to make sure that you or your child achieves the smile of your dreams. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!