How Much Does Invisalign Cost in NJ Without Insurance?

If you need orthodontic work, you have no doubt been trying to determine the Invisalign cost in NJ. Unfortunately, we can’t give you a hard-and-fast answer. Every orthodontic case is different, so the price varies from one smile to another depending on a number of factors.. We can discuss the national averages for treatment and how that correlates to Invisalign cost in NJ.

How the National Average is Computed

National averages for Invisalign® costs are computed by taking the lowest price point and the highest. That leaves a broad window where everyone feels safe. In the United States, average Invisalign costs range from $3,000 to $8,000. We did warn you.

At $3,000, you are looking at cases with minor corrections necessary. These are your slight imperfections or minor corrections after neglecting to wear a retainer following treatment with braces as a teen. Many adults opt for these quick touch-up treatment plans.

Invisalign is capable of correcting alignment problems from minor to complex. In the more complex cases, the treatment duration will be longer and the price will be higher. The more complex the correction, the higher the cost, reaching that $8,000 high end.

Despite the national averages, most patients have costs of $4,500 to $5,500, including in NJ. However, many things can affect your Invisalign cost.

Factors that affect the Price of Invisalign

When you have an initial examination with Dr. Seth Margulies and the team at Amboy Orthodontics, they will evaluate your smile and determine whether Invisalign is the best treatment. The initial exam is complimentary, so it won’t cost you anything to find out the Invisalign cost in NJ. Some of the factors that affect what your actual costs will be are:

  • Number of necessary alignment tray sets
  • Length of treatment
  • How much correction is necessary
  • Location of your treatment
  • The doctor’s hourly rate

Believe it or not, rural areas are often less costly than treatment in urban or well-populated regions. Other factors that may lower the cost of treatment include insurance and Health Saving Accounts (HSA) through your employer.

What You Can Expect to Pay at Amboy Orthodontics

As we said, the process begins with a complete, complimentary examination. Dr. Margulies does a thorough exam, checking X-rays, dental history, an oral examination, and possibly taking digital images of your dental structure. He can determine what treatment is best to correct your alignment issues using that information.

After reviewing the information, the doctor will create a treatment plan recommendation. This will include what type of treatment they feel is best, the cost, duration, and financial options available for payment. While orthodontic treatment can seem expensive, the figure you are quoted will be the entire treatment cost.

If treatment will take 18 months, that is included in the initial quoted price. All appointments, costs for trays, follow-up examinations, and a retainer after treatment is all part of the initial cost quote. Amboy Orthodontics does everything possible to make treatment affordable for all patients.

Are Braces Cheaper Than Invisalign?

Sometimes, yes. However, when you count the additional time for appointments, adjustments, and oral care tools, the costs of both are really comparable. Invisalign does cost slightly more than braces. National average pricing on braces ranges from $2,500 to $6,000, with most patients landing in the $3,500 to $5,000 range.

In some cases, when a patient has insurance coverage, it will contribute to offsetting the cost of traditional braces, but not Invisalign. If you have dental insurance, it is good to check coverage limitations before your first appointment.

Is Invisalign Better Than Braces?

The answer depends on what you consider “better.” Invisalign is just as effective as traditional metal braces in most cases when it comes to treatment efficacy. There are a few instances where the doctor may recommend braces over Invisalign, but for the most part, the two treatments have much the same capabilities.

If you want cost savings — metal braces are the way to go. You can choose clear, ceramic braces or Invisalign if you want a nearly invisible treatment. Ceramic braces use clear brackets that blend with your teeth’ color to make them less visible. Invisalign uses a transparent tray system that is almost invisible.

How Does Invisalign Straighten Teeth?

Invisalign was created a group of college students who wanted something different from braces for minor alignment corrections. Since its introduction in 1999, Invisalign has continued to improve, and it is now a leading treatment method. The almost invisible tray aligners can correct alignment problems from minor to complex.

The trays work using physics. Trays force tooth movement by applying gentle but constant pressure against misaligned teeth. The action continues as you switch tray sets about every two weeks. With each new set of trays, teeth move a little closer to their final positioning.

Patients need to wear the trays for 20 to 22 hours each day, but they can be taken out for oral hygiene, drinking, and eating. There are no diet restrictions, and oral hygiene is much easier. The treatment requires the patient to be diligent about wearing the trays long enough each day.

Although Invisalign treatment can be as short as three to six months, the average is 12 to 18 months. Treatment plans for more complex issues can be as long as 24 to 36 months. If you’re ready to commit to a straight smile, Invisalign might be the proper treatment.

Working with Families to Keep Invisalign Affordable

A smile transformation is life-changing. We realize that sounds like hyperbole, but we are very sincere in our beliefs. With that in mind, Dr. Margulies and the entire staff at Amboy Orthodontics dedicate themselves to making orthodontic care affordable for individuals and families.

If you have insurance, we will work with your carrier to help you receive all the benefits your policy offers. If you have an HSA, we may be able to assist you in navigating that route. We have a few options to keep the price affordable without dipping into your bread and egg money if you have neither.

Begin Your Smile Transformation Today

Making an appointment for your complimentary examination is as easy as using our online Appointment Request form. Once our appointment coordinator receives your completed form, they will contact you to finalize scheduling. You may also discuss Invisalign cost in NJ and schedule your appointment by calling 732-860-2790.

We look forward to hearing from you.